Queue Marketplace

A marketplace to hire vetted freelance designers for your startup projects

Project Summary

Project Details

Queue is a platform that connects startups with vetted freelance designers, providing access to expert designers in areas such as UI/UX, product design, and motion design. All designers on the platform are thoroughly vetted to ensure their expertise in user experience and design, as well as their experience working with startups.

Team Role :

Lead Product Designer

Duration :

January – March 2022 (3 Months)

App URL :

Tools :

Invision, Figma, Photoshop, Zoom

Work Process

Our work process includes the collection of data by doing some user research, problem identification, wireframing, making the final visual design and lastly assessing the usability of the app by user testing.

User Research

Problem Identify


Visual Design


Problem Identify

Startups are always under pressure to innovate and stay ahead of their competitors, and design is an integral part of that innovation. However, finding the right design talent can be a challenge, especially for startups with limited budgets and resources. In-house designers can be expensive to hire and maintain, while agencies can be too bureaucratic and slow to respond to the needs of a fast-growing startup.

The Solution

Queue provides a unique solution to this problem by connecting startups with the best freelance designers in the market. The platform has a curated pool of designers with expertise in UI/UX, product design, and motion design. All designers on the platform have been thoroughly vetted for their expertise, experience, and design skills, ensuring that startups receive high-quality design work.

Key Benefits:

  • Easy Access to Top Design Talent: With Queue, startups have access to a pool of top-notch designers from all over the world, all at their fingertips. This allows startups to quickly find the right designer for their needs, without having to go through a lengthy hiring process.

  • Cost-Effective: By hiring a freelance designer through Queue, startups can save money compared to hiring an in-house designer or an agency. This is because startups only pay for the work they need, and don’t have to pay for benefits, office space, or other overhead costs associated with hiring in-house designers.

  • Flexibility: Freelance designers provide startups with the flexibility they need to scale their design team up or down, depending on their needs. This allows startups to manage their resources more efficiently and respond to changing business conditions.

  • Quality Work: All designers on the Queue platform have been thoroughly vetted for their expertise, experience, and design skills, ensuring that startups receive high-quality design work.

  • Personalized Experience: With Queue, startups can work directly with their designer, ensuring a more personalized and efficient experience. This allows startups to have more control over their design process and receive work that better meets their needs.


Wireframing is a critical step in the design process, as it allows Us to experiment with different ideas and test the usability of the product before moving on to the more time-consuming task of creating a fully-designed prototype.

To begin visualizing the platform, a low-fidelity wireframe were created. This involved sketching out the basic layout, flow, and functionality of the platform, using simple shapes and lines to represent the various elements. After creation, I refine the Wireframe based on feedback from stakeholders and potential users, the wireframes were refined and improved. This involve making adjustments to the layout, flow, and functionality to better meet the needs of the users and the overall goals of the platform.

Tested the Wireframes, before moving forward with the high fidelity design and development, the wireframe were tested to ensure that it meets the needs of the target audience. 

Visual Design & Prototype

Once everything else was ready, our team moved on to the visual design of the web app. We kept the app clean and simple to make it visually pleasing. Users will be able to create an account in MarketingBlocks which they will create all their marketing assets in mintues.


Design System

High Fidelity Designs

Queue Marketplace

Login & Sign Up

MarketingBlocks AI

Website Page Builder



Queue provides startups with a platform to easily hire vetted freelance designers for their design needs. With access to top design talent, cost-effective pricing, and a personalized experience, Queue is the ideal solution for startups looking to bring their ideas to life. Whether you need a UI/UX designer, a product designer, or a motion designer, Queue has got you covered.

See our other portfolio

Other portfolio


UI&UX Design


UI&UX Design