When you are a beginner in UI design, it can be intimidating when you browse Dribbble or Behance, or such sites. You will see beautiful designs from various talented designers around the world on these sites and if you are anything like me, you must wonder why your designs don’t match up to that level. Why despite your best efforts your designs don’t wow the user.
Presently, the facts really confirm that sort of value is an aftereffect of loads of training and difficult work. In any case, nobody’s preventing you from getting some straightforward stunts/techniques from them that can raise your plans up to that level as well. You may have known about the Pareto guideline which expresses that 80% of results come from 20% of the causes. We will apply similar rules in our plans and lift them up to that spill or Behance level quality by changing or utilizing straightforward stunts.
Use a single font family only
Any website page on the web comprises of 90% kind. On the off chance that you eliminate that the pictures or other plan components presumably will not be useful for the guest. In this way, if over 90% space is involved by type on a page it just serves our wellbeing to give some consideration to it.
You might have heard the advice that you should use only a limited number of fonts in your designs. This number is often set to 2 or 3 at the most.
This is correct however I would suggest that you don’t even need 2 or 3, just 1 is enough. Master using only a single font-family in your designs first and then progress towards using 2 or 3 fonts. Play with the weights/sizes in a single font family and you would be surprised how your design would seem more coherent, cleaner and more professional.
Use appropriate negative or White space
The elements on a page need some room to breathe. If you cramp a lot of design elements in a small space then they will all overpower each other and no one element will stand out. It would just make a mess. Try utilizing negative or white space in your design instead.
Remove unnecessary elements from the page until you are left with only what is required and then provide breathing room for each element.
Use colors sparingly
Mastering color theory and its usage in actual design take a lot of hard work and years of practice. Some blessed individuals might have an eye for it but for us mere mortals we have to practice a lot.
So in the beginning just use only a minimal amount of colors in your design. Mixing and matching different sets of colors to make your design look beautiful is an art that doesn’t come easily.
So keep the colors to the minimum. Use the colors in the ratio of 70–30–10. Here 70% of the color would be your background color e.g. White. 30% of the color would be your secondary color e.g. black. 10% color would be the color that you use to highlight buttons and other Call to Action elements in your design.
You can also try to use a combination of 2 colors only. Just as with type the same principles apply to the usage of colors as well. Master using 1 or 2 colors first and then slowly move onto increasing the number of colors in your designs.
Use grids
In the beginning, you would have no idea where to place each element on a page to make it look good. For this purpose, you can utilize grids to instantly ramp up the quality of your designs.
By using a grid you make sure that the spacing between different elements is the same and thus they all create a cohesive composition together. There are gridless designs too but like in life first you need to understand the rules in order to be able to break them successfully. So first master the grid system and then move onto the designs which break the grid.